Saving our woods and our trees

Sir, – Paddy Woodworth’s article (Opinion, March 13th) wonderfully highlights the insanity of the Coillte sale.

The sale of Aer Lingus may have some merit, with conditions such as only leasing our Heathrow slots. Conditions that would protect our extremely important business access to the world.

On many levels, the sale of Coillte is one we would rue for many years to come.

In the low carbon global economy, ownership of woodlands will be vital to Ireland’s competitiveness in the world.


Full State ownership of 7 per cent of our land, which is working as a viable asset, gives our State a security that Irish people understand well, given our history.

Ensuring a base level of food security, water security, energy security and assets security, these are the three mantras of the Chinese takeover of the world.

They are not wrong. Ireland does not need to go outside its borders for any of these things.

Coillte and its land provides an important cornerstone in this.

The IMF says it wants Ireland to be a success. A working economy involves not selling working assets.

The Irish Government, a success story in many respects, is well within its rights to take the sale of Coillte off the table. – Yours, etc,


Brodie Spark Drive,

Wolli Creek,

New South Wales,
