Same-sex marriage

Sir, – Cathal Quinn (November 10th) and many others offering commentary on the matter of same-sex marriage often cite the wellbeing of children as their reasoning for not supporting the upcoming constitutional referendum.

I find this a peculiar logic, given that the Government is working to introduce by the end of this year legislation to allow same-sex couples (and other non-biological parents of children) to adopt children and raise them in a loving home.

Surely if the welfare of children was their concern then this legislation would be the object of their opposition? Moreover, if being raised by their natural parents is in children’s best interest as the commentators so claim, then can I presume – with my tongue firmly in cheek – that they will voice their opposition to foster families, single parents, and our current adoption laws?

I have yet to see an argument against same-sex marriage that is not fundamentally flawed. – Yours, etc,




Dublin 9.

Sir, – Your letter subject heading “Same-sex marriage” is an oxymoron, presumably intended to condition those of us who reject it as biologically impossible into accepting it as an equally legitimate social norm.

Unfortunately, the subject heading denigrates the word “marriage” and tries to invest it with a new normality.

I do sincerely trust the effort to condition us fails. – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.