Rent freeze and ban on evictions

Sir, – Every month the number of people becoming newly homeless has exceeded the number of homeless people who have been housed. The majority of those becoming newly homeless have come from the private rented sector, either because they could no longer afford the increasing rents, or the landlord says they are selling or renovating the house. For several years, campaigners have called for a rent freeze and a ban, for a limited period of time, on evictions from the private rented sector. Each time we have been told that this is not possible, as it is unconstitutional, infringing on the right to private property.

Then the pandemic comes along. And suddenly we have a rent freeze and a ban on evictions. As a result, the number of people becoming newly homeless has dropped by 48 per cent in March/April compared to January/February, in the Dublin region (national figures not available).

When we get back to “normal”, it is vital that the rent freeze and ban on evictions (with exceptions for anti-social behaviour) continue until such time as the number of homeless people being housed is significantly greater than the number of people becoming newly homeless. Otherwise, we are going to see a sharp rise in the number of homeless people in the coming months, and the crisis will continue. – Yours, etc,



Jesuit Centre for Faith

and Justice,

Gardiner Street,

Dublin 1.