PVC Windows

Sir, - Mary Bryan (September 19th) makes a valid point about uPVC windows, but her arguments are flawed

Sir, - Mary Bryan (September 19th) makes a valid point about uPVC windows, but her arguments are flawed. uPVC windows are not fundamentally inferior to timber sash windows; they simply do not suit old buildings and they don't look very nice. In general uPVC windows are well designed and engineered, there is no evidence that they are made from inferior materials, and they are usually fabricated in a modern production facility to an ISO-approved quality regime. In fact these windows provide good thermal performance, ease of use, and low maintenance requirements at affordable prices.

Old timber sashes, which have been allowed to deteriorate over time are expensive to refurbish and even more expensive to replace. While I would agree with Ms Bryan that there is no aesthetic argument in favour of uPVC, there are, unfortunately, strong economic and practical ones. What Ms Bryan ignores are the commercial forces at work. uPVC windows are big business and dominated by a few big players. The traditional sash window business is fragmented and disorganised.

In order to persuade homeowners to refurbish old windows or replace them with new timber sashes instead of with uPVC, it is necessary to appeal to their economic and practical concerns as well as their aesthetic ones. Timber sash window manufacturers need to organise and to market their products, while offering refurbishment as a viable economic alternative to replacement.

New timber sash windows can be improved with better seals, lockable catches, spring balances instead of lead weights and double-glazed units. Without stronger competition, the tide of uPVC will continue to flow. - Yours, etc., Padraig O'Dwyer,


Cliftonville Road,


Dublin 9.