Paying for care of the elderly

Madam, - I was shocked and angered when I read Kitty Holland's report, "Families may be forced to pay for care" (The Irish Times…

Madam, - I was shocked and angered when I read Kitty Holland's report, "Families may be forced to pay for care" (The Irish Times, August 5th).

Surely the purpose of family life is to raise children so that they become free and independent individuals.

I wonder at the moral blindness of a Minister who would consider demeaning the elderly by burdening them with a degrading dependence upon their children.

It is very sad, to think that when the toil of the long day is coming to a close the elderly are to become personae non grata and their children are to be subjected to emotional blackmail by the State, while many retired politicians are drawing three pensions and hold several directorships. - Yours, etc.,


ALEXANDER O'DRISCOLL, Sweetmount Avenue, Dublin 14.