Occupied Territories Bill

Sir, – I refer to aletter published on May 7th. Being one of the signatories of this letter I would like to clarify my position.

The purpose of this letter, as I understood it, was to warn against the negative consequences of unilateral annexation of the territories in the Jordan Valley and of any part of the West Bank. Indeed such annexation would not only put an end to the option of a Palestinian state, it would seriously damage Israel’s vital interests. It would also bring to an end the Zionist dream for which so may have fought and sacrificed their lives – a Jewish democratic state. This is why I willingly lent my name to this letter.

However, when signing it, I was not made aware of the call to enact a Bill which would in effect boycott Israel and its citizens. I would like to clarify that I strongly oppose the BDS movement and its purposes and have never supported any form of boycott of my country or its citizens.

Therefore I oppose the “Occupied Territories Bill”, which presents a different agenda not directly connected to the issue of annexation , and which cannot in any way, shape or form advance the cause of peace. – Yours, etc,



(Former Israeli

ambassador to Portugal,

consul general in New York,

and member of Knesset),


(Signatories are respectfully reminded to read the text of any letter before it is submitted for publication. – Letters Ed)