Ireland At The UN

Sir, - Allow me space to say that the article in your edition of May 19th, "The world on our hands", was truly excellent

Sir, - Allow me space to say that the article in your edition of May 19th, "The world on our hands", was truly excellent. On a single page, half of it taken up by photographs, your correspondent Deaglan de Breadun managed to convey all of the hubris, the self-importance, the self-delusion and the essential futility that is Ireland's involvement with the United Nations.

This is what he was intending to do, wasn't it?

If not, the article was an embarrassment.

The impression it gave of Ireland at the cutting edge of world affairs, influencing events, finger-on-various-buttons, and were-it-not-for-us etc., was downright silly. It is obvious that your paper should immediately issue longer spoons for those of its correspondents whose work brings them to sup with government functionaries. - Yours, etc.,


Gerry Kennedy, Gore Street, Killala, Co Mayo.