House of Saud

Sir, – The appearance of Michelle Obama in public in Saudi Arabia with her hair uncovered in the presence of King Salman has provoked "shock and outrage" in the conservative kingdom ("White House defends first lady's attire in Saudi Arabia", January 29th).

I myself experienced the same feelings of shock and outrage when I recently viewed footage of the state-directed execution in Saudi Arabia of a Burmese woman who was dragged through the streets before being hacked to death as she continued to plead her innocence up the moment of her brutal beheading. Naturally her executioners ensured that she wore a suitable head-covering for her last appearance in public. Can you imagine the outrage otherwise?

Bravo to Michelle Obama and other women who chose to not cover their hair. Why should free women adopt a symbol of subservience as the price they must pay to show “respect” to their medieval-minded hosts? – Yours, etc,



Castlebar, Co Mayo.