Giving the Devil his due?

Sir, – Eamonn McCann seems unable to stop himself from bashing the Catholic Church in his Irish Times columns ("Why do we rarely give the Devil his due?", Opinion & Analysis, May 22nd).

He’s gone from complaining about the diplomatic status of the Vatican to grumbling about the church’s canonisation procedures (why should an atheist care?) to poking ridicule at Pope Francis for his expressed belief in the Devil. Does he perhaps yearn to be a religious affairs correspondent?

Perhaps this attitude is only to be expected. After all, Mr McCann’s personal faith of radical socialism has been devastatingly disproven by history and human experience, while Christ remains the light of the world to tens of millions of people, educated and uneducated. We should allow Mr McCann a little bit of rancour, I suppose. – Yours, etc,




Woodford Drive,


Dublin 22.