Funding for cycling

Sir, – In response to the report from the UN Environmental Programme (News, October 21st) about the lack of funding for proper infrastructure for cycling and walking, which the report says is partly responsible for the unacceptable number of road deaths of these vulnerable road users, Keep Ireland Open has been campaigning for some years for improved safety for recreational walkers and cyclists.

There are many examples of the abject failure of county councils, where road widths do not make it feasible to include cycle and walkways, to acquire by compulsory-purchase orders, narrow strips of land preferably off-road.

A notorious example is the section of the Wicklow Way along part of the Ballybrack Road in Glencullen which is a very narrow and busy road.

We call on the government-sponsored National Waymarked Ways committee, who manage the Wicklow Way, to use their influence to good effect.


– Yours, etc,



Keep Ireland Open,


Dublin 14.