‘Fear of all-island economy’

Sir, – Paul Bew has reminded us of the effects of Brexit as the "tensions of recent times which have threatened to reignite the cold war between the North and the South" ("Fear of all-island economy drives unionist opposition to NI protocol", Opinion & Analysis, February 9th). He then goes on to blame the people of this country for this by asking "is anyone in Dublin listening?"

On the same page, Kathy Sheridan reminds us of the "trolley crashing" that constitutes Boris Johnson's "patriotism Brexit-style" government ("Why is Johnson's woke wife blamed for Tory woes?", Opinion & Analysis, February 9th).

The vote for Brexit, 87 per cent of which came from English constituencies, was a very influential decision which is going to have long-term and serious consequences for Anglo-Irish relations. Also on the same page, Michael McDowell tells us about "the relentless buy-out and subversion of political decency and the inconvenience of objective truth" that is much of the London media ("Trump and Johnson are Murdoch's useful idiots", Opinion & Analysis, February 9th).

The London media have been anti-Irish for centuries and anti-EU for decades.


Blaming Dublin for the present consequences of Brexit, as Paul Bew is doing, is indefensible. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 13.