Boosters no-shows

Sir, – The HSE chief has said there is a high number of no-shows for Covid booster shots. This morning I received yet another call for a booster – my fourth appointment as someone immuno-compromised. However, as I am also over 80 I had the booster through my GP practice six weeks ago. The GP assured me the records were sent immediately to the HSE.

I have failed to make contact either through the phone or by email with the HSE. I wonder if many other so-called no-shows are being sent appointments they do not need? – Yours, etc,


Model Farm Road, Cork.


Sir, – My aunt, Sighle (91), was scheduled for her booster today, in Saggart (25km from her home in Booterstown).

Thankfully, our local pharmacist has just notified us that they will drop round and give her the jab, thereby avoiding the logistical problems involved in crossing the county. I rang the HSE 1800 number provided with the original text notification of the Saggart booking in order to cancel.

Three phone calls later, much time on hold, several choosings of pre-recorded options and no luck.

The appointment remains uncancelled and my aunt can be added to the long list of “no-shows”. If this letter is printed on Saturday, the HSE will become aware that the slot she occupied at 16.20pm is now free.

– Yours, etc,


Booterstown, Co Dublin.