Advertising In Schools

Sir, - To see that some schools have resorted to selling wall space for advertisements in order to supplement funding is actually…

Sir, - To see that some schools have resorted to selling wall space for advertisements in order to supplement funding is actually quite heartbreaking. That our children should be exposed to such crass commercialism in the very institutions that are entrusted with seeking and disseminating knowledge and truth and nurturing culture shows just how far this country has gone on the road to rejecting all but consumer values. That this should happen at a time of unprecedented wealth is a further indictment of the current mores of this society.

Perhaps it is time for the people of Ireland to say stop. One way would be to rid the government of accountants whose preoccupation with the bottom line has made a mockery of our health service and is about to destroy or educational institutions. - Yours, etc.,

Christopher MacDermott, Dauros Point, Kenmare, Co Kerry.