Sir, – With reference to Alex Staveley’s observations on messages attached to e-mails from smartphones (February 2nd), at least in the case of the iPhone, I can report that it is perfectly possible to remove any such message, should one wish to do so.
Incidentally, this message was sent from my iPhone. – Yours, etc,
Sir, – The message in question is the default signature, which anyone can change. However, having spent a small fortune on an iPhone or the like, most people are happy to let everyone know. – Yours, etc,
Sir, – There is a protection in place to protect us from the evils of sinister free advertising on smartphones (Alex Staveley, February 2nd). It’s called an instruction manual. Under settings you can change your e-mail signature to whatever floats your boat.
May I suggest Yours etc to save time when writing vexatious letters to The Irish Times. – Yours, etc,