Equality and conscription

Why only men?

Letters to the Editor. Illustration: Paul Scott
The Irish Times - Letters to the Editor.

A chara, – Samuel Rogers makes a valid point about conscription (Letters, April 25th). While controversial, however, it is legal. Ukraine has lawfully and democratically suspended consular services for military aged men (ages 18-60) living abroad as part of their national conscription drive.

However, the policy only applies to men. This inequality should be controversial, yet there is no debate about gender privilege, no demands for parity or positive discrimination.

Equality means everyone, women and men, should be denied consular services and conscripted into the army. – Le gach dea-ghuí,



An Fhrainc.

Sir, – Why should it be accepted that men must fight in a war? Be it a war of liberation or whatever? I find it unacceptable to fight in any war. There is a better way! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 22.