Corrections And Clarifications

A two-week-old report on the Fianna Fail ethics code was published in error yesterday due to a technical transmission fault

A two-week-old report on the Fianna Fail ethics code was published in error yesterday due to a technical transmission fault. The correct report, which states that the Fianna Fail Parliamentary Party agreed a new code of ethics on Wednesday, is published today on page 8.

In yesterday's report on the Spencer Dock Development planning appeal, reference was made to "Manor Street, on the edge of the site". This should have read Mayor Street.

The caption to the photograph of Mr Frank Fahey, Ms Brid Rodgers and Mr Dermot Nesbitt in yesterday's editions was incorrect. While the three ministers met the chair and vice-chair of Foyle, Carlingford and Irish Lights Commission, they did not chair the meeting of that body.

The headline to a report in yesterday's editions on the White Paper on Defence incorrectly referred to an "ex-captain". This should have read "captain" as the rank and title is held after retirement.


In a report headed " `Bounty-hunting' scheme for builders opposed" in yesterday's editions, the figures for the Building and Allied Trades Union were transposed. BATU officials received £30,000 in bounties for recruiting members to the pension scheme and the income generated as a result was £68,010.05p. This represented a net gain for the pension scheme of £38,010.05p, not a loss as reported.

Where errors occur it is the policy of The Irish Times to correct or clarify as soon as practicable.

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