Cori more devoted to order than to justice

NEWTON'S OPTIC: THE CONFERENCE of Religious of Ireland (Cori) is backing member congregations who will not review their deal…

NEWTON'S OPTIC:THE CONFERENCE of Religious of Ireland (Cori) is backing member congregations who will not review their deal with the Government on compensating victims of abuse, writes NEWTON EMERSON

Apparently, nobody in Cori has reviewed these recent real statements from its own social partnership agency, Cori Justice:

“The vulnerable, particularly children, are targeted to pay for the misbehaviour and fraud of others.” – Budget analysis and critique 2009

“A society is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable.” – Press statement July 2008


“People should be assured that care in their times of vulnerability is guaranteed.” – Budget choices briefing 2008

“People who are poor, marginalised or vulnerable should be the focus of special concern.” – Election policy briefing 2009

“At the heart of the Catholic social thought tradition, as in many other religious traditions, is the command to help the vulnerable.” – Newsletter March 2009. “Directly helping vulnerable people works.” – Newsletter March 2009

“Exclusion is experienced in many ways and can be multifarious. What does it mean if you are excluded? It means that your opinion is not sought and it doesn’t count. In fact, you are not expected to have an opinion; rather you are encouraged to trust the opinion of the shapers and movers of the society.” – Socio-economic review 2008

“When you are one of the excluded, politicians and policy-makers can ignore you without fear of censure or loss of position.” – Socio-economic review 2008

“Cori Justice believes that if people with a disability are to be equal participants in society then the extra costs generated by their disability should not be borne by them alone.” – Poverty policy briefing 2009

“We need to move from a world that is built on individualism, anxiety and greed to a world that is built on the reality of abundance, the need for generosity, the dignity of the person and the centrality of the common good.” – Budget choices briefing 2009

“Private property does not constitute for anyone an absolute and unconditional right. No one is justified in keeping for his/her exclusive use what is not needed when others lack necessities.” – (Quoting Pope Paul VI) Socio-economic review 2008

“Fewer people seem to consider it important to pay more towards some general good.” – Newsletter February 2008

“It is not sufficient to move from one crisis to the next. It is crucial that Government sets out a clear vision.” – Press statement November 2008

“This crisis is so severe that we cannot ‘cut’ our way out.” – Budget choices briefing 2009

“The principle of subsidiarity states that larger entities should not assume the roles and functions of smaller entities unless it is absolutely necessary. Putting this principle into practice is meant to protect people from abuses by higher-level authority.” –Election policy briefing 2009

“Watching one’s own children grow up without proper nourishment or access to appropriate education is demoralising.” – Socio-economic review 2008