Victim taken from river identified

The woman whose body was recovered from the Lagan river in Lisburn, Co Antrim, has been named.

The woman whose body was recovered from the Lagan river in Lisburn, Co Antrim, has been named.

She was Ms Sharon Moore (31) who lived at an address in Dunmurry on the outskirts of south Belfast only a short distance from where police divers recovered her body on Monday.

Security guards at Lisburn's civic centre had watched on CCTV as men appeared to throw a body over railings into the river on Sunday night.

PSNI officers recovered her body downstream the following day. Murder detectives were continuing to question a man about the murder.


Ms Moore's neighbours said yesterday she had complained of being pestered by a man. The police have taken for forensic examination a car in which her body may have been carried. Another police team investigated a house in Lisburn linked to a suspect in the case. Forensic officers began a detailed examination of the house, and some personal items were taken for further investigation.

Residents in south Belfast have turned out for a public meeting organised by the SDLP to discuss the security situation in the area, which has suffered a spate of burglaries.

Dr Alasdair McDonnell said there should be zero tolerance and that police should target criminals more aggressively.

The South Belfast Assembly member was speaking after men attacked Mr Maurice McCracken with hammers and demanded his car keys in his home at the weekend.

He remains in a critical condition in hospital. One man was arrested after the incident while others ran off.