Taoiseach makes stout stadium defence

The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today strongly defended the Stadium Ireland project, saying some people writing on the issue knew "…

The Taoiseach Bertie Ahern today strongly defended the Stadium Ireland project, saying some people writing on the issue knew "nothing about sport".

He also denied any implication that the national stadium was an ego trip on behalf of himself, any other politician, or any sportsperson.

Instead, he said, it was to be a legacy of the current prosperity in this country - pointing out that in the context of overall spending of £20 billion, sport was only receiving £70 millon.

Ahern said he had not seen many of those writing in the papers on the issue at a tiddlywinks match, not to mention an international.


Mr Ahern also denied there was any rift between the Government parties on cost overruns, although he accepted that there have been overruns since the original estimate.

As it stands, the Taoiseach says the project may cost some £550 million. Opponents say ancillary costs will bring it close to £1 billion.

On the subject of the Government-mandated review of the project, Ahern said he fully backed the review and would accept any finding it returned.

It is expected the Government will cut back the national stadium project due to pressure from theProgressive Democratsand a recognition by the Taoiseach of growing concern over spiralling costs.

Indicating that a scaling back is on the cards, both Mr Ahern and Ms Harney said further commitments would await the outcome of the review of costs to be carried out by outside consultants.

Although the Progressive Democrats are prepared to see the wholeproject abandoned apart from the aquatic centre element, Mr Ahern remains committed to a major multi-purpose campus.