Sinn Féin holds Dublin think-in

Sinn Féin Oireachtas members met in Dublin today to discuss preparations for the return of the Dáil.

Sinn Féin Oireachtas members met in Dublin today to discuss preparations for the return of the Dáil.

Sinn Féin Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caolain said today the party discusseed details of key campaigns around health, the economy, regional development and community safety.

These are expected to be unveiled  within the next few months.

He said they also discussed preparations for the forthcoming EU Reform Treaty referendum, a nationwide recruitment drive and the 2009 local elections.


"Delivery of first-class public services backed by a sustainable economy will be top of the party's agenda," Mr Ó Caolain said.  "We intend to hold this Government to account every day of the week, putting forward real alternatives."