Seven Days

A glance at the week that was

A glance at the week that was

Sweet talk

Couples who share a similar use of language are more likely to stay together, according to research published in Psychological Science.The study, which analysed function words such as "with" and "that", found that about 80 per cent of couples with similar conversational styleswere still together three months later. "Function words are highly social and they require social skills to use," said Prof James Pennebaker of the University of Texas, adding: "You can tell when people are in the same state or are on the same page."

Hunter sues travel agent


A Polish hunter who dreamed of shooting an elephant is suing a German-based travel company after being sent to a part of Zimbabwe that he claims has no elephants. The owner of Jaworski Jagdreisen, a company that organises hunting expeditions, insists the man "should have seen elephant excrement there", according to the Rzeczpospolitanewspaper. Although the company arranged a second trip for the hunter, during which he killed a male elephant, he has still filed for damages worth €95,750.

The numbers

6 million:The number of planets discovered orbiting a star more than 2,000 light years away

€1.88m: The profits that oil group Shell has made per hour over the past three months

300 metres:The distance climber Adam Potter fell from a Scottish mountain top and survived.

We now know

Wikileaks, the whistleblowing website of Julian Assange, has been nominated for the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize.

Henry Cavill has landed the role of Superman, meaning the next Man of Steel will be British.

Eunice Sanborn of Texas, the world's oldest personof verifiable age, has died at 114.