India accuses Pakistan of whipping up war hysteria

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said today that Pakistan was whipping up war hysteria, and that the Mumbai attacks must …

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said today that Pakistan was whipping up war hysteria, and that the Mumbai attacks must have had support from some of its nuclear-armed neighbour's official agencies.

The prime minister's comments were the latest in almost daily government criticism of Pakistan, in a sign that New Delhi has become increasingly frustrated at what it sees as Islamabad's slowness at identifying and arresting the attack's planners.

India blames Pakistan militants for the coordinated strikes in November by 10 gunmen that killed 179 people and have revived tension between two nations that have fought three wars since 1947.

"The more fragile a government, the more it tends to act in an irresponsible fashion," Singh told a security conference. "Pakistan's responses to our various demarches on terrorist attacks is an example."


"Today even as Pakistan engages in whipping up war hysteria, our nation remains steadfastly united and if anything, the process of national consolidation is becoming stronger."

India sent evidence today to Pakistan that it said linked Pakistani militants to the attacks, including data from satellite phones and the confession of a surviving attacker.

The evidence was also sent to countries whose citizens were victims of the attacks, such as the United States, as India tried to corner Pakistan diplomatically into bringing the perpetrators to justice.
