Hume praises positive statement by IRA

The IRA's declaration that it had acted to save the political process from collapse has been described as "very positive" by …

The IRA's declaration that it had acted to save the political process from collapse has been described as "very positive" by Mr John Hume.

Speaking at the European Parliament last night, he said: "The language of the statement is very positive."

Mr Hume told reporters: "If it's a scheme agreed with the decommissioning commission then that is something that should clearly be satisfactory to the community as a whole. Obviously it is a very welcome statement, given that myself and my party have been asking Sinn FΘin to use their influence with the IRA."

He was not especially surprised at the IRA move. "Knowing our political situation and knowing the dialogue and public debate that has been going on, I have to say that I was expecting movement."


Commenting on possible adverse reaction from some elements of republicanism, he said: "If there are republicans who are describing this as a betrayal, I have to say that I don't understand them, because my understanding of republican philosophy in historical terms is that they have always claimed to be acting in the name of the Irish people."

Given that the Irish people had spoken very clearly of how they wished to live together by voting for the Belfast Agreement, "then it is the duty of all true Irish people to implement the will of the people".

Mr Hume hoped responses to the IRA initiative would be positive. "I hope that in the current atmosphere, loyalist paramilitaries would respond positively as well."

He expressed concern that some loyalists were engaged in "Mafia activity" and were causing trouble for that reason.