My Kind of Exercise

Una Brankin, author and director of a PR firm, tells Patricia Weston that she detests gyms and much prefers a walk along Sandymount…

Una Brankin, author and director of a PR firm, tells Patricia Weston that she detests gyms and much prefers a walk along Sandymount strand

What exercise do you do?

I do sit-ups and I walk a bit, for my head as much as fitness. At work I usually take the stairs instead of the lift and I go horse riding and swimming occasionally, but I detest the smell, noise and torture-chamber equipment in the gym.

Every day I walk briskly for 10 minutes to the Dart, then 15 minutes to the office and the same coming back. I'm lucky to live opposite Sandymount strand so I walk the length of it occasionally too.


How fit are you?

Moderately but I do get out of breath sometimes on the stairs by the third floor, and I have very little strength in my arms.

Have you ever suffered any serious illnesses or injuries?

I suffered quite severe whiplash when a double-decker bus rear-ended a taxi I was in two years ago and I couldn't write for months.

Is there anything about your body you'd like to change?

I'd love toned upper arms.

Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery?

Yes. If I developed a double chin, I'd get it lopped off in a shot.

Have you ever tried any faddy diets?

I did a form of the Atkins diet for research purposes once, for a month, and went from a size 12 to a size 10 very quickly. But I missed bread too much.

What stresses you?

Money, occasionally. I used to stress about having writer's block and get grumpy as a result. Then I realised I couldn't do a full-time job properly and write a literary novel at the same time. The relief was immediate when I decided to write my second book at my own leisure. Life's too short!

How do you relax?

It sounds corny but an instant fix for me is to gaze out at the moon above the water for a few minutes. If the house is dark and quiet, I find that instantly relaxing, unless it's a full moon and that sometimes make me antsy.

Una is author of Half Moon Lake and director of PR firm, Flynn Brankin Communications. She is working on her second novel.

Patricia Weston's exercise prescription:

Una says she has very little strength in her upper arms and would love to be more toned but she hates the gym.

Here's a simple exercise plan to tighten and tone the arm, shoulder and chest muscles without have to sweat it out on the equipment at the gym:

Press your palms against a wall with your arms outstretched and your feet hip distance apart. Bend at the elbows so your nose is within an inch from the wall and return slowly to the starting position. Repeat for three sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Using two tins of beans as weights, perform the upright row by standing with your feet slightly apart and your arms straight down in front with the weights together and facing your body.

Bend your elbows and lift the weights towards your chin. Keep your elbows out to the side in line with your shoulders. Repeat for 12 repetitions three times.

Stand with your feet hip distance apart and your arms raised to shoulder level, parallel to the floor, and your palms with the weights also facing the floor. Slowly lift your arms straight above your head then bend at the elbows to shoulder level. Lift straight up again then lower to the starting position. Repeat eight to 10 times for three sets.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates teacher.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.