Coping with change

My Working Day/Jenny Nestor , clinical co-ordinator of the Younger Women's programme, Action Breast Cancer, oversees a number…

My Working Day/Jenny Nestor, clinical co-ordinator of the Younger Women's programme, Action Breast Cancer, oversees a number of projects to help womedeal with issues around cancer diagnosis

The latest data from the National Cancer Registry shows that there were 2,100 new cases of breast cancer in 2002, with a projected increase to 4,700 by 2020. There are about 250 cases of breast cancer in women under 45 years of age diagnosed in Ireland every year.

I was employed in 2004 by Action Breast Cancer to set up and develop the Younger Women's programme. I come from a nursing background and worked as an oncology nurse for 13 years.

We brought together focus groups of young women around the State to tell us what they were looking for in the breast cancer services in terms of diagnosis, treatment, etc. Many women develop menopausal symptoms as a result of the treatment for breast cancer and there are also fertility, sexual and relationship issues.


My job is to oversee all of the services of the Younger Women's programme and to organise educational days specifically tailored to meet the needs of younger women. These educational days feature presentations and workshops on advances in treating breast cancer in younger women, the psychological effects of a breast cancer diagnosis, issues around sexuality, issues for partners, menopausal symptoms following a diagnosis, reconstructive surgery and approaches to diet.

I am involved in the compilation and distribution of booklets on the challenges facing younger women with breast cancer and services and supports that are available. I help in the training of Reach to Recovery volunteers who provide peer-to-peer support for newly diagnosed women.

I also man the Action Breast Cancer freefone helpline (1800 309040) a couple of days a week and deal with calls on issues relating to breast cancer. The helpline offers information, support and appropriate referral for all women who are concerned about breast health, women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, their families and carers, and healthcare professionals.

The ICS/Action Breast Cancer Younger Women's programme is largely funded by the annual Fashion Targets Breast Cancer (FTBC) campaign which we run in conjunction with Brown Thomas.

The FTBC campaign is an international fundraising campaign which centres on the sale of a unique designer range of T-shirts and it takes place on June 5th this year.

There's no such thing as a typical day in my job. I work nine-five but, on a fairly regular basis, I would have events, conferences or training which means I have to work late in the evenings or at weekends.

The most difficult part of my job is trying to get everything done, unfortunately I can't knit any more hours into the day. The best part is working with the team in Action Breast Cancer and the greater Irish Cancer Society.