
My two-week-old son was examined after birth and it was found that one of his testicles was not in the right place

My two-week-old son was examined after birth and it was found that one of his testicles was not in the right place. Why has this happened?

Undescended testicle is a disorder where one or both of the testicles (testes) have not descended into their normal position in the scrotum. The testicles, which develop deep within the abdomen in the foetus, descend through the abdominal wall so that by about a month before birth both are in position. The testicles are attached to the body via long cords called spermatic cords. Many undescended testicles complete their descent during the first 12-24 weeks after birth but after this time spontaneous descent is uncommon.

How common is this condition and what are the long-term side effects?

Undescended testicle is a problem in about 4 per cent of newborn male babies, and the incidence can be as high as 25 per cent in premature males. The cause is unknown but the good news is many resolve themselves. Only 1-2 per cent of testicles are still undescended at one year.


The condition does not produce any symptoms or cause pain and does not interfere with urinary function. The scrotum may appear undeveloped on one side compared to the unaffected side and the testicle cannot be felt. Undescended testes can become twisted in the abdomen (testicular torsion), impair sperm production in later life and increase the risk of herniation and testicular cancer.

Acquired undescended testicle can develop at a later stage in childhood and although the testicles are present at birth the spermatic cord does not keep up with general body growth, and the testicle sits high up in the groin.

How can it be treated?

Early surgery is usually recommended to locate the testicle and bring it into the scrotum by freeing and stretching the spermatic cord. The usual time for surgery is between six and 24 months. If however, the problem developed after this age (acquired undescended testicles) then surgery will be performed shortly after the problem is identified.