Government allocates €5m to flood relief

The Government has allocated €5m to a relief fund for victims of the recent flooding earlier this month

The Government has allocated €5m to a relief fund for victims of the recent flooding earlier this month. The scheme provides for relief of hardship to anyone around the State affected by flooding on the 1st and 2nd of February.

To qualify for assistance applicants must prove hardship under one of the following headings: death, serious injury, homelessness, damage to home, loss of income or extreme hardship.

Residents of East Wall, Ringsend and Irishtown in Dublin who have expressed fears of a threat of renewed flooding have been told by Dublin City Council that appropriate emergency procedures are "on stand-by" to deal with difficulties that may arise in the future.

A programme of emergency remedial works has also been put in place to prevent further flooding. An investigation as to the cause of the flooding in each area is also being carried out.


Engineers building the Dublin Port Tunnel are investigating the possibility that it might be vulnerable to flooding if storms like those witnessed earlier this month hit again. Project engineer Mr Sean Wynne said he would be "more than surprised" if the plans had to be revised to take account of the danger.

The humanitarian aid is being distributed by the Irish Red Cross and the closing date for applications for aid is next Friday.