Fine Gael calls for overhaul of driving test

Fine Gael has called for a radical overhaul of the State's driving test system in a ten-point plan on road safety launched today…

Fine Gael has called for a radical overhaul of the State's driving test system in a ten-point plan on road safety launched today.

The party has floated the possibility of introducing a longer test or continuous assesment for drivers who find themselves hit by nerves during the existing testing procedure.

It also wants it compulsory for new drivers to undertake five driving lessons and suggests the establishment of mandatory approved training courses for driving instructors.

The Fine Gael plan also calls for advanced driver training, an advanced driving test, and refresher courses for older people.


"How can anybody stand over a system with nearly one in every tow failing the test?," asked the party's spokesman on transport Mr Denis Naughten.

"Fine Gael want to train people to drive as a life skill not just to pass the test. We want a system that is consistent with building a safe society where the law is enforced.

"We also want to see a major reform of the driving test itself. We want to modernise the driving test and introduce changes, which set higher standards and encourage more thorough training.

"This reform of the test will include the option of a longer test and or continuous assessment for nervous applicants. We will also put measures in place to facilitate applicants with low literacy skills," Mr Naughten added.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times