A woman driver was convicted of careless driving yesterday for knocking down a “lollipop lady” as she stood in the middle of a busy road junction to let children cross to school.
Factory worker Anne O’Donnell (35), of Leas na Creige, Oughterard, Co Galway, pleaded guilty to knocking the unnamed lollipop lady on to the bonnet of her car on the Moycullen Road, near Bushypark, at 8.35am on November 14th last. The lollipop lady had her back turned to traffic coming out of a road at a busy junction when the incident occurred.
She was thrown on to the bonnet of the car and hit her head while her “lollipop” stop sign hit and broke the windscreen, Insp Sean Glynn said.
Judge Mary Fahy accepted it was a busy junction before convicting O’Donnell and fining her €500 for the offence.