A libel action by a Ukrainian woman who survived the car crash in Moscow in which former TD Liam Lawlor died has been fixed for hearing before the High Court in November.
Julia Kushnir's libel action against the Sunday World newspaper has been set for November 6th. Image: Eric Luke.
Ms Justice Elizabeth Dunne yesterday fixed November 6th next for the action by Julia Kushnir against the Sunday Worldnewspaper.
The court will decide on Monday whether three other libel actions taken by Ms Kushnir against other Irish newspapers will be heard at the same time or directly after the Sunday Worldcase.
Ms Kushnir's other actions relate to articles in the Sunday Tribune, the Sunday Independentand Irish Independent. Those cases have also been listed for November 6th next.
Ms Kushnir had travelled to Ireland for her libel action last February but had to return home when her case was not heard. Her counsel asked the court yesterday to fix a new hearing date for the case and said Ms Kushnir has a number of witnesses who had to travel from abroad including ther Czech Republic, New York and Israel.
The cases arise from reports of the October 2005 car crash in Moscow in which Mr Lawlor died. Ms Kushnir previously settled an action against the Observernewspaper.