GREEN PARTY: THE GREEN Party yesterday highlighted its policies on cycling through the novel medium of a "rolling press conference" through the streets of Dublin.
Minister for Energy Eamon Ryan and Ciarán Cuffe led a one-hour cycle tour of the city centre, where they pointed out what they said were the best and the worst aspects of the city for cyclists. Some 20 cyclists took part, including the party’s European election candidate in Dublin, Senator Deirdre de Burca, and a number of the party’s councillors and local candidates. The tour began at Leinster House and continued through Merrion Square and Westland Row, crossed Pearse Street, before going through Grand Canal Dock and returning to Kildare Street via the south quays and College Green.
Mr Ryan said that over the next six months a series of changes in policy will bring cyclists back into Dublin in their tens of thousands.
A new 30km/h limit will come into operation for the entire city. The new free bike scheme would also be up and running by the end of the summer, he said. Stands for the 400 bicycles (which can be rented out using a credit card or smart card) are being built throughout the city centre. Mr Cuffe said that the cycle-to-work tax incentive introduced in the budget has already been a huge success.
“There are hundreds of bikes and they will be available to residents of Dublin for a €40 annual charge. They will be free for up to 30 minutes. This will be a great addition to Dublin,” he said.