Judge says DPP responsible for rapist released on bail

‘Rape Crisis Centre and tabloids can go after Director of Public Prosecutions and not me’

Mr Justice Paul Carney ordered the man be registered as a sex offender and a victim impact report be prepared for the sentencing hearing in December.

A judge has agreed to release a Limerick rapist on bail with the warning that the Director of Public Prosecutions must bear responsibility if the man breaches the conditions of his release.

The man, who cannot be named at this stage for legal reasons, pleaded guilty at the Central Criminal Court today to rape of the female victim in a Limerick home on August 28th, 2012.

Mr Justice Paul Carney ordered that the man be registered as a sex offender and that a victim impact report be prepared for the sentencing hearing on December 1st, next.

The judge initially remanded the man in custody until that date but agreed to release him on bail after hearing there was no objection from the prosecution.


Mr Justice Carney warned the DPP’s office that it will have to take responsibility if the man fails to comply with his bail conditions.

“The Rape Crisis Centre and the tabloids can go after the Director of Public Prosecutions and not me,” the judge commented.

Commenting on the Mr Justice Carney’s remarks, Ellen O’Malley Dunlop of the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre said: “At the end of the day it is the judge who takes the final decision in these cases.”

A spokeswoman for the Director of Public Prosecutions said the office did not comment on individual cases.