Roses are . . . red

Sometimes traditional is best, and florists are bowing to demand when it comes to stocking up with red roses for next Saturday…

Sometimes traditional is best, and florists are bowing to demand when it comes to stocking up with red roses for next Saturday’s Valentine’s day celebrations. The old-school posy of a dozen with pink gypsophillia comes from Madflowers and costs €80, plus €13.50 for delivery anywhere in Ireland.

Appassionata on Drury Street in Dublin 2 is taking delivery of velvety red Grand Prix roses and pretty Ruby Red roses for its bouquets, which include this more contemporary offering, which also costs €80. Lidl and Aldi, it must be said, are selling bouquets for less than half of that.

Madflowers,, call 1850-12121.

Appassionata, Drury Street, Dublin 2,, call 01-729425. Marie-Claire Digby