Mobile toilet aims to fill a gap

Until such time as the NRA get around to building toilet facilities on the motorway network the mobile in-car toilet pictured…

Until such time as the NRA get around to building toilet facilities on the motorway network the mobile in-car toilet pictured here might help. Named the Indipod, it was the idea of businesswoman Barbara Mai, who dreamt it up during the course of her work, which took her all over the country.

The Indipod went into production a year ago and over 500 units have been sold to customers in Britain, France, Japan, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, South Africa and Israel. "We even sold one to a private investigator in the US, presumably for when he's on a stake-out."

It can be set up in the back of a 4x4 or MPV, space permitting.

If an outdoor position is preferred, simply plug it into the cigarette lighter socket and - hey presto - your very own inflatable cubicle, in a discrete shade of grey, instantly appears at the side of your car.


The makers claim that this process takes less than a minute.

John Cassidy

John Cassidy is a video journalist at The Irish Times