What's going up and what's going down this week

What's going up and what's going down this week


Children alla Milanese

The kids' menu at Milano restaurants (above) includes three healthy courses, colouring books and puzzles, and a bambinoccino – for €8.50 a head. Fantastico!

All Names Have Been ChangedRead the review of Claire Kilroy's new novel in today's Books pages.


'Love And Money' at the ProjectA modern play where the suffering takes place exclusively on stage, as opposed to in the audience. Language dreadful, writing great, and just 90 minutes long.

Your new vegetablesEven if they don't survive the incursions of slugs, the dog, the neighbourhood cats, or your incompetence, growing your own is a pleasure.

Designs for LifeWhat's interesting about this RTÉ programme is that it has turned into a documentary of the boom unravelling.

The firelogSuddenly it has become the perfect gift to bring when going to friends for dinner. No, they don't eat them, as far as we know.


Communion and Confirmation seasonRelatives are no longer expected to turn up at the church in cocktail gear, and the post-ceremony banquet has gone out of style, but there are still a lot of kids sitting on sacramental cash mountains of €500-plus.

Swine fluYet another bad time to be a pig.

No replyIrish firms are still slow to return calls giving prices, estimates or delivery times. What's it going to take, guys?

'Wearing bled'Get off the fence you Lunsters and come clean about which team you support ...