We Are Shining: Kara

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Artist: We Are Shining
Genre: Pop
Label: Marathon

London producers Morgan Zarate and Acyde had plenty of studio form long before they started work on Kara. It's abundantly clear from the imaginative span of the sound here why acts such as Kanye West and FKA Twigs sought them out in the first place.

There are guests galore here too (The Noisettes, Eska, Roses Gabor and others), but it's the ability of the two main protaganists to keep everything in place and right at peak which makes Kara work so well. Opening track Road is a ferocious, thunderous blast of riffs and perfectly blended noise, while Breaks is a much more hypnotic old soul throbber which digs out a dusty groove.

Throughout, Zarate and Acyde keep this heady pace up. The work of a pair happy to stir a fascinating melting pot of psych-rock, soul, hip-hop and electronic ways and means.