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Jay-Z renounces his bitchy ways, writes AIBHE MALONE

Jay-Z renounces his bitchy ways, writes AIBHE MALONE

TRACK OF THE WEEK: Dominoby Jessie J. When Dominosurfaced last year in demo form, the consensus was that it was written by Jessie for another act. Not so, it seems. Jessie's claimed it for herself, and it's now the lead single off her revamped debut album. Imagine a parallel universe, where Jessie released Do It Like A Dude', followed by Who's Laughing Now, and then Domino.

There’d be no mourno-ballads, no Price Tag, and maybe she’d have been over the bodysuit thing by now. We can but dream.

It's quite touching how soppy Jay-Z's become since the birth of little Blue Ivy. Not only was his daughter the youngest ever entrant on the Billboard Chart (thanks to her cries being sampled in Glory), she's also brought out his hands-on side. According to Starmagazine, Beyonce's declared that Jay "will change diapers, of course he will. He is going to be a very hands-on father. He has already said publicly that providing isn't love. Love is being there. Love is doing the little things for your child."


Madonna's in fine form at the moment, as her directorial pet project W&E gears up for launch. To promote the venture, she did an excellent interview on America's ABC. Not only do you get to have a sneak peak inside her house (there's a lot of gold), she also dishes on Gaga. When asked what she thought of Born This Way, Madge said, "I thought it sounded reductive." The interviewer wasn't sure what the term meant, so Madonna told her to "look it up", while taking a sly sip from her teacup. Amazing.

It's good to see that Sarah Harding's figuratively back on the horse again. She recently revealed a new tattoo across her back, proclaiming "Don't be bitter, glitter". She's also working on a solo album, according to the Mirror. "There is some very raw, heartfelt stuff – not the kind of thing people will be expecting. Sarah's had some pretty wild experiences and wants the album to reflect this."