Corrections and Clarifications

The report headed "4,200 firms may be struck off company register" in last Thursday's editions said the list included "Tribune…

The report headed "4,200 firms may be struck off company register" in last Thursday's editions said the list included "Tribune Publications Ltd, publishers of the Sunday Tribune". In fact, the Sunday Tribune is published by Tribune Newspapers PLC and has been for a number of years.

A report last Friday headed "Objections from ports may sink `flotel' plan" included Dublin among the ports that opposed "flotels". Dublin Port Company states that it has never raised any objections.

In yesterday's review of the National Symphony Orchestra at the National Concert Hall last Friday, Shostakovich's Symphony No 8 was inadvertently referred to as No 7.

Where errors occur it is the policy of The Irish Times to correct or clarify as soon as practicable.


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