Crosaire No 17464 by Crossheir – Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Passage (TUNNEL) recalls (= reverse indicator) the French (le = -EL) new (-N-) to Brazil, for instance (Brazil nut = TUN-) (TUNNEL),

9 Used Land (used land) Rover (= anagram indicator) (used land = UNSADDLE) to take gear from Arabian (UNSADDLE),

10 Heads for bright lights of Broadway (heads for ‘Bright Lights Of Broadway’ = BLOB) and a drop of the thick stuff (BLOB),

11 For example, takes The Telegraph (SUBSCRIBER takes The Telegraph) editors (SUBS-) onto boat (-RIB-) in Clare (C-E-) river (-R) (SUBSCRIBER),


12 Muddy (SWAMPY) Waters opening (‘Waters’ opening = -W-) for a (-A-) Frenchman (-M-) taken in by agent (spy = S-PY) (SWAMPY),

14 Herb tea (herb tea) blend (= anagram indicator) (herb tea = BREATHE-) recipe (-R) (BREATHER) is perfect for the rest (BREATHER),

15 What’s more (-AND-), in revolting (= reverse indicator) places (puts = stup = ST-UP), a demonic (a demonic) criminal (= anagram indicator) (a demonic = COMEDIAN) (STAND-UP COMEDIAN) is the one laughed off stage perhaps (STAND-UP COMEDIAN),

18 Sounds like Armagh might do this during Ulster Championship? (PLAY DOWN) Oh, that won’t happen! (PLAY DOWN something),

20 Cider (cider) cocktail (= anagram indicator) (cider = DR- ICE) includes the last of the scrumpy (last of the ‘scrumpY’ = -Y-) (DRY ICE) – it provides a special effect (DRY ICE),

22 Radical transformation (A SEA CHANGE) in America (A) and The Mediterranean (SEA) for the coppers (CHANGE) (A SEA CHANGE),

24 Veil (MASK) found folded up (= reverse indicator) inside – thanks a million (inside ‘thanKS A Million’  = ksam = MASK),

25 What figure from fashion world did (MODELLED) with copy (copy/replica = MODEL-) left (-L-) for editor (-ED) (MODELLED),

26 Makes fun of (AP-ES) hiding place (-PL-) inside (APPLES) for making cider (APPLES).


1 Ban (OUTLAW) leads, ores, uranium, titanium (leads ‘Ores Uranium Titanium’ = OUT-) with legislation (-LAW) (OUTLAW),

2 Slap in the face (SNUB) with upside down (= reverse indicator) cream cakes perhaps (buns = SNUB),

3 So Bluesy ... (so bluesy) Dizzy (= anagram indicator) (so bluesy = BLESS YOU) Bishop always says this! (BLESS YOU),

4 British (-B) old police force (Royal Ulster Constabulary = RUC) set up (= reverse indicator) (RUC = CUR-) (CURB) to keep something under control? (CURB),

5 It’s a concern for Freud (PSYCHE) here – Pat is not in speech therapy (‘here Pat’ is not in ‘speech therapy’ = spechy = PSYCHE),

6 Let in (ADMITTED-) to large (-L-) yard (-Y) (ADMITTEDLY), I’ll give you that (ADMITTEDLY),

7 Plant (ALOE) opens very early, ripens and (opens ‘Very Early Ripening And’ = VERA) (ALOE VERA) produces cosmetic ingredient (ALOE VERA),

13 Counterfeiter (MONEYMAKER) from the central bank (MONEYMAKER),

14 Earl from Barcelona (‘Earl’ from ‘Barcelona’ = bcona = BACON) is a famous painter (Francis BACON),

16 Shadow (stalk) leader is missing (s) (‘stalk’ without ‘s’ = TALK) outlet (SHOP) (TALK SHOP) to discuss the job (TALK SHOP),

17 Half of what’s wrong (half of what’s ‘EVil’ = -EV-) in The Press (media = MEDI-A-) is primarily like (primarily ‘Like’ = -L) (MEDIEVAL) something out of the dark ages! (MEDIEVAL),

19 Waiting to talk (ON HOLD) to switch (ON) support (HOLD) (ON HOLD),

21 Charlie (C-) and Daisy’s relative (-ASTER) (CASTER) is employed in the furniture moving business? (CASTER / castor wheel),

23 Exposed (NUDE) by Giorgione’s Sleeping Venus, for one (Giorgione’s Sleeping Venus, for one  = NUDE),

24 Bank’s marketing tips (banks ‘MArketing tiPS’ = MAPS) for those looking to not lose their way (MAPS).