Crosaire No 17365 by Crossheir – Thursday, September 10th, 2020

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


1 Noticed (-SAW) after (= position indicator) setting up (= reverse indicator) 12 across from the beginning (‘raw tomato’ from the beginning = raw = WAR-) (WARSAW) of European city (WARSAW),

4 Lost (= anagram indicator) coat (coat = TACO-) and money (-M-) in taxi (CA-B) (CATACOMB) or The Underground, of late (CATACOMB),

9 Finishes 18 across (finishes ‘beyond repair’ = REPAIR) in service (REPAIR),


10 Tour (= anagram indicator) lakes (lakes = SKE-AL) around accommodation (-LET-) (SKELETAL) with the minimum of detail that’s not fleshed out (SKELETAL),

12 Green (RAW) fruit (TOMATO) (RAW TOMATO) uncooked in salsa (RAW TOMATO),

13 It’s tolerated (it’s BORNE) if taken off bonfire (‘if’ taken off ‘bonfire’ = bonre = BORNE),

14 27 across (‘beyond’ = BEYOND) joins those characters in 8 down (‘belief’ = BELIEF) (BEYOND BELIEF) exceeding one’s wildest dreams (BEYOND BELIEF),

18 Opening 14 across (opening ‘beyond belief’ = BEYOND) to get fix (REPAIR) (BEYOND REPAIR) from crack, for instance, that can’t be made better (BEYOND REPAIR),

21 Chain store dismisses arson (‘chain store’ dismisses ‘arson’ = chite = ETHIC) out of moral principles (moral principles = ETHIC),

22 Direction (South = S-) taken by meandering (= anagram indicator) Thames (Thames = -TEAMSH-) to one (-I-) port (-P) (STEAMSHIP) for The Queen Mary, for example? (STEAMSHIP),

24 One (I-) fools (nits = -N ITS-) Santa’s little helper (-ELF) (IN ITSELF) per se (IN ITSELF),

25 Is fond of the cast (ANGLER) looking to get to grips with Moby Dick perhaps (ANGLER),

26 Judge again (REASSESS) is about (RE-) to take a (-A-) boat (-SS-) from Spain (-E-) around seas (around ‘SeaS’ = -SS) (REASSESS),

27 Outside the range of (BEYOND) half of those in 18 across (half of those in ‘beyond repair’ = BEYOND).


1 Clothing collection (WARDROBE) for bad rower (bad rower) all at sea (= anagram indicator) (bad rower = WARDROBE),

2 Presumably you can skip it (ROPE-) on some courses (-WAYS) (ROPEWAYS) – along the lines of those who are suspended for lifting things! (ROPEWAYS),

3 A friend in Marseilles (Marseilles/French ‘friend’ = ‘ami’ = AMI-) on leave (leave = -GO) (AMIGO) with a friend in Malaga (AMIGO),

5 Salutes (ACKNOWLEDGES) accountant (CA) bringing up (= reverse indicator) (CA = AC-) lots of facts (-KNOWLEDGE-) finishing books (finishing ‘bookS’ = -S) (ACKNOWLEDGES),

6 A musical meter (ALLA BREVE) for a (A-) dance (ball) set-up (= reverse indicator) (ball = LLA B-) by Father (-REV-) English (-E) (ALLA BREVE),

7 Court (court) marshal (= anagram indicator) (court = OUTCR-) in the end inadvertently (in the end ‘inadvertentlY’ = -Y) (OUTCRY) leads to strong protest (OUTCRY),

8 Contradict a claim (BELIE-) by female (-F) (BELIEF) in Tenet (tenet/principle = BELIEF),

11 Isn’t indifferent (cares = CAR -ES) about Wellington (Wellington BOOT), South Africa (SA = SA-), having large (-L-) (CAR BOOT SALES) open-air markets (CAR BOOT SALES),

15 Can’t complain about that (NO EXCUSES) negative response (NO) to why it went wrong (EXCUSES) (NO EXCUSES),

16 Be friendly to someone (SAY HELLO) chopping up (= anagram indicator) sea holly (sea holly = SAY HELLO),

17 Steadied oneself (PREPARED) as pressure (P-) is to get par (-PAR-) stuck in high grass (reed = -RE-ED) (PREPARED),

19 No cha in rose china (no ‘cha’ in ‘rose china’ = rosein = SENIOR) for Junior’s Dad (SENIOR),

20 Darwin’s woman (name of woman in Darwin, Australia = SHELIA) from Hull (shell) lost (l) out (‘shell’ without ‘l’ = SHEL-) to one (-I-) getting first aid (first ‘Aid’ = -A) (SHELIA),

23 Stage manager releases tear gas (‘stage manager’ releases ‘tear gas’ = mange = MANGE) – it affects the boxer’s skin (MANGE).