Crosaire No 16863 by Crossheir – Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 She leaves osteopath (“she” leaves “osteopath” = otopat = POTATO) for Spud (POTATO),

9 Curses (EPITHETS) record (EP-) by mysterious (= anagram indicator) theist (theist = -ITHETS) (EPITHETS),

10 Limits cabinet ministers (limits/sides “cabinet ministers” = CARS) having more than one for the road (CARS),

11 Enduring work (CLASSIC) by most of those in 10 across (most of  ‘cars’ = CAR) (CLASSIC CAR) in old vehicle (CLASSIC CAR),


12 Firm (CO-) to foot (-F-) the bill from consultant (-FEE) (COFFEE) for stimulant (COFFEE),

14 Faith (IDEOLOGY) gets papers (ID- papers) from Spain (-E-) to go with a fair amount of (half of) technology (half of ‘technology’ = -OLOGY) (IDEOLOGY),

15 Survive (WEATHER THE STORM), for example, heat from The Sun (WEATHER) article (THE) on controversy (STORM) (WEATHER THE STORM),

18 Elbow room (SPACE) at the counter (BAR) (SPACE BAR) in The Long Key (long key on a computer = SPACE BAR),

20 Pele (PE-LE) overshadows Best – half (‘Best’ half = -ST-) (PESTLE) crushing for those who want to spice things up! (PESTLE),

22 Nancy cased (Nancy cased = ASCENDANCY) building (= anagram indicator) from influential position (ASCENDANCY),

24 Stick around (STAY) for St Patrick’s Day bands (‘St Patrick’s Day’ bands = STAY),

25 New (FRESH) tune (AIR) (FRESH AIR), synonymous with the atmosphere that will blow the cobwebs away (FRESH AIR),

26 Nothing at all (NOUGHT) in good books (New Testament = N-T) about Hugo (Hugo = -OUGH-) Cook (= anagram indicator) (NOUGHT).


1 Types of meze and tapas ordered for starters (‘types of meze and tapas ordered’ for starters = TOMATO) with fruit (TOMATO),

2 Iran isn’t part of the Assyrian (‘Iran’ isn’t part of the ‘Assyrian’ = assy = SAYS) States (SAYS),

3 Trick (CON-) on Greek island (-CRETE) (CONCRETE) for securing the property (CONCRETE),

4 Part of buffet arrives (part of ‘buffet arrives’ = FETA) with cheese (FETA),

5 Bit of paper (TISSUE) with signatures doesn’t include Gran (‘signatures’ doesn’t include ‘Gran’ = situes = TISSUE),

6 Charlie (C-) dislikes (H-ATES) involving crazy Spanish (loco) serving up (= reversal indicator) (loco = -OCOL-) (CHOCOLATES) sugary treats (CHOCOLATES)

7 Funny (STRANGE-) writing (from 3Rs = -R) (STRANGER) in The Outsider (STRANGER),

13 Reaction to The Snapper (say ‘CHEESE’ to snapper/camera) and 4 down (‘feta’ = FETA) (FETA CHEESE) – from the start (= positional indicator) it’s produced for consumption in Greece (FETA CHEESE),

14 Tangiers released gas (‘Tangiers’ released ‘gas’ = tnier = INTER) from place in the dead centre (INTER),

16 Publicity (EXPOSURE) for show (EXPO-) guaranteed (-SURE) (EXPOSURE),

17 Clearing out (EMPTYING) unnatural (= anagram indicator) pigment (pigment = EMPT-ING) around yellowish head (‘yellowish’ head = -Y-) (EMPTYING),

19 It’s admirable dismissing the air (‘admirable’ dismissing the ‘air’ = dmable = BEDLAM) of chaos (BEDLAM),

21 Thoroughly despise (LOATHE) a hotel (a hotel = LOATHE) complex (= anagram indicator),

23 Concealed by governor mandated (concealed by ‘governor mandated’ = NORM) by convention (NORM),

24 Bust (bust = STUB) criminal (= anagram indicator) – that’s half the ticket (ticket STUB).