Crosaire No 16666 by Crossheir – Monday, June 11th, 2018

Blog explanations available at 10pm on the day of publication


8 Radio (radio = ROADI-) wave (= anagram indicator) is key (music key -E) (ROADIE) to setting up a musical band (ROADIE),

9 Having the same opinion as (AGREEING) top lawyer (Attorney General = AG-) finding drugs (Es = -EE-) hidden by wedding band (R-ING) (AGREEING),

10 Young woman (LASS) takes hamster out of salt marshes (takes ‘hamster’ out of ‘salt marshes’ = alss = LASS),


11 Incoherent type (DISJOINTED) passed away (died = DI-ED) over small (-S-) local bar  (-JOINT-) (DISJOINTED),

12 Most of (e) the investigation (“case” without “e” = CAS-) in (-IN-) Ring (-O) (CASINO) is looking to recruit dealers perhaps (CASINO),

14 Test, in a manner of speaking (-ORAL-), in Cloud (M-IST) (MORALIST) for preacher (MORALIST),

15 Blows things out of all proportion perhaps (MAGNIFYING GLASS) by exaggerating (MAGNIFYING) what’s in The Mirror (GLASS) (MAGNIFYING GLASS),

18 It’s contrary to what’s expected (PERVERSE) of representative (Rep = PER-) raising (= reversal indicator) a section from the Bible (-VERSE) (PERVERSE),

20 Goes all round the circuit (ORBITS) to review (= anagram indicator) bistro (bistro = ORBITS),

22 It’s not true (FICTITIOUS) college (-C-) in Trim (trim/in shape = FI-T-) near IT (-IT-) has debts (IOUs = -IOUS) (FICTITIOUS),

24 Neighbours in the air (RAF-) on the first (“the” first = -T) (RAFT) transport overseas (RAFT),

25 Hand (LABOURER) to one of those in the house (one of those in The House/Dáil = LABOUR-) for Ward (hospital ward = -ER) (LABOURER),

26 Found in the gardening section (ROCKET) in The Magazine (ROCKET in magazine/arms store).


1 Hub off the autobahns (‘hub’ off the ‘autobahns’ = atoans = SONATA) coming from the concert hall (SONATA),

2 What’s the chances of (ODDS) of old maids losing mail? (‘old maids’ without ‘mail’ = odds = ODDS),

3 Makes oneself scarce (HEADS OFF) as principles (“principles” = “principals” = HEADS) sound (= homophone indicator) wide of the mark (OFF) (HEADS OFF),

4 Forbids (BARS) public houses serving drink (BARS),

5 From a general perspective, offers protection (army general / ARMOUR) taking dogs out of guardrooms (taking ‘dogs’ out of ‘guardrooms’ = uarrom = ARMOUR),

6 Looks after the boxers, among others (KENNEL CLUB), in the doghouse (KENNEL) for going dancing (CLUB) (KENNEL CLUB),

7 Scenes in (scenes in = INCENSES) play (= anagram indicator) absolutely infuriates (INCENSES),

13 Public house (INN-) applause (-OVATION) (INNOVATION) for new measures (INNOVATION),

14 Network of paths (MA-ZE) going around island (-I-) (MAIZE) from the farmer’s field (MAIZE),

16 Smear CIA (smear CIA = AMERICAS) activity (= anagram indicator) in the New World (AMERICAS),

17 American (-A-) writing (from the 3Rs = -R-) in slick magazine (GLOSS-Y) (GLOSSARY) found in the back of the book (GLOSSARY),

19 Is about (RE-) to flip (-TURN) (RETURN) and that’s gross (gross/profit = RETURN),

21 Hit (= anagram indicator) off tee? (off tee = TOFFEE) That’s something to chew over! (TOFFEE),

23 Part of backlog repudiated (part of ‘backlog repudiated’ = OGRE) by pantomime villain (OGRE),

24 Type of music (ROCK music) for Cork (Cork = ROCK) medley (= anagram indicator).