Web Log: Fuzzy bears and furry rabbits invade Silicon Valley

Business Town is for the adults who grew up with Richard Scarry’s illustrated books

Welcome to Business Town is for the adults who grew up with Richard Scarry’s illustrated books full of adorable animals with jobs: bears wearing firemen’s helmets, rabbits with floury baker’s aprons. These books are from a simpler time when job options were portrayed as of the butcher, baker, candlestick maker variety. In an age of TED thought leaders, disruptive innovation and social media influencers, Scarry’s audience is all grown up and requires on-point satire with their cartoons. Tony Ruth’s bears are now management consultants who “accelerate client performance through industry analysis”. His rabbit is an innovation strategist that likes to work with clients “to define problems, ideate solutions, and articulate outcomes”. Throw in a handful of brogrammers, digital prophets and a Captain of Moonshots (we’re looking at you, Google) and you have Business Town, a bustling, hustling techtropolis full of value-creating winners.
