Some suggested Valentine's for true-and-fair economists

Economists, its alleged, are invariably a romantically-challenged bunch of bar charts

Economists, its alleged, are invariably a romantically-challenged bunch of bar charts. Given the day that's in it here's a nudge in the right direction, some suggested Valentine's for economists to send to that special cost/benefit provision in their lives - but also remember the wife or husband!

Eurohoney - You raise my interest rate thirty points without a corresponding drop-off in consumer enthusiasm - Macroman

Or alternatively, factoring in all known variables.......

Further stimulus could result in uncontrolled expansion


Despite a decade of inflation I still dig your supply curve

You stoke up the animal spirits of my overheated free market

Let's assume a ritzy hotel room and a bottle of Dom

What do you say we remeasure our cross-elasticity?

Let's raise housing starts together.

I'll bring the gun, you bring the butter.

A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, the compendium of Finance Bill's (1960/1997) and thou. Get to it......