Vincent Browne and the EU

Madam - I was bemused to read Vincent Browne's attack on the EU (Opinion, May 10th)

Madam - I was bemused to read Vincent Browne's attack on the EU (Opinion, May 10th). Mr Browne has fallen into the trap that critics of the EU so often do - to believe that somewhere beyond the EU lies some Utopian alternative.

Would this land include the "periodic share-outs" of wealth that Mr Browne criticises the EU for not providing? What Mr Browne fails to see is that beyond the EU, in the "open sea", as it sometimes referred to, exist all the same problems and inequalities that exist within Europe, arguably more.

At least within the EU the member-states have committed themselves to working together to resolve these issues and hold themselves accountable to these ideals. Mr Browne does not even do the reader the courtesy of suggesting some remedy or alternative. - Yours, etc,

EUGENE WATERS, Schooner Close, London.