Resignation of prison governor

Madam, – In her resignation letter (Front page, April 26th), Kathleen McMahon says she fears that a disimprovement of conditions…

Madam, – In her resignation letter (Front page, April 26th), Kathleen McMahon says she fears that a disimprovement of conditions in the Dóchas Centre women’s prison will mean a return to “the way it was years ago: self-mutilation, bullying, depression, lesbianism.”

None of the many human rights organisations writing to express their regret at Ms McMahon’s resignation (April 28th) sees fit to distance themselves in any way from this statement. Are we to take it that these organisations – including the Women in Prison Reform Alliance, the Irish Penal Reform Trust, the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre and the National Women’s Council of Ireland – endorse this statement?

– Yours, etc,

SÉ d’ALTON, Palmerston Road, Dublin 6.

Madam, – Irish society is built on the family and our homes must be protected. Taking a father or a mother out of the home, especially where children are left behind, is tantamount to destruction, and must be a very last resort. Your report “Governor of women’s prison resigns over impossible role” (Front page, April 26th) makes for tragic and sad reading. Failing a mother or a father is indeed the end – there must be another way.


– Yours, etc,

JAMES DUNDON MD, Emeritus Professor Paediatrics RCSI, Busy Park Road, Terenure, Dublin 6.