Residents’ associations and local democracy

Sir, – Brendan Lynch on what he sees as the disproportionate voice given to residents’ associations in planning matters, believes his voice and individuals like him are not being heard (Letters, November 11th). Residents’ associations are an expression of local democracy in action. They have every right to represent their local communities whose voices are regularly ignored by the organs of central government.

In the example of the Clonliffe development by a transnational investment company quoted by Mr Lynch, none of the 70 per cent one-bedroom apartments will be offered for sale. This will create a very transient population of single individual renters who will have little or no connection with the existing community or with future arising local issues. If they decide to have families they have little option but to go elsewhere in search of a suitable family home.

Residents’ associations, local communities and local authorities are being denied any input in decisions that radically effect them. Instead of trying to create meaningful local democracy, successive national governments are continuing to dismantle whatever rights to participation in local decision making that have been built up over the years. – Yours, etc,



Malahide, Co Dublin.