Climate change and future of farming

Sir, – I refer to the opinion piece by Prof Alan Matthews headlined "Farmers need the right incentives to reduce emissions" (Opinion, November 1st).

Within the article he makes specific reference to a report commissioned by the Irish Farmers Journal into the impact of sectoral emissions reduction targets for agriculture.

Nowhere does the report, produced by KPMG, state that the Government should delay the urgent action to reduce agricultural emissions. To suggest otherwise is merely an attempt to distract from the findings of the report.

The purpose of the KPMG analysis was to demonstrate the significant financial impact that sectoral emissions targets could have on farm incomes and the rural economy within the current policy framework.


The findings show that if the Government sets an emissions reduction target beyond the scope of existing technologies, then it must also come forward with a new policy and financial framework that delivers a just transition for farmers and rural communities.

We cannot expect farmers to accept an emission reduction target that could devastate their income in the hope of some new revenue stream emerging over time.

– Yours, etc,


Editor and CEO,

Irish Farmers Journal.