X-ray Timeline

Who Did What And When

Who Did What And When

APRIL 22ND, 2009

Tom O’Dowd, professor of general practice at TCD and a local GP, writes to Lyndon MacCann SC, chairman of Tallaght hospital board, about his concerns over “thousands of unread X-rays” in the radiology department. Prof O’Dowd says he got no reply.

APRIL 24TH, 2009


Prof O’Dowd also contacts the Health Information and Quality Authority (Hiqa) with his concerns.

MAY 8TH, 2009

Hiqa writes to the hospital seeking a meeting.

JUNE 24TH, 2009

Then chief executive of the hospital, Michael Lyons, tells Hiqa at a meeting that only 4,000 X-rays are unreported and that these are mainly routine X-rays such as repeats or for dental work.

No GP or emergency X-rays were said to be affected.

Mr Lyons told the meeting that one delayed diagnosis of a patient had been identified, but this had not affected the clinical outcome.


A further meeting takes place between Hiqa, Mr Lyons and the then medical director at the hospital, Prof Kevin Conlon, at which assurances are given that the backlog is being reduced.


Hiqa writes to Mr Lyons requesting a written report. Further requests are sent in October and November.


Tallaght hospital announces that Mr Lyons is retiring after 10 years on health grounds.


Mr Lyons retires. Prof Conlon is named as chief executive designate and learns there are over 57,000 adult X-rays which have not been examined by a consultant radiologist. He has immediate discussions with Hiqa.

JANUARY 14TH, 2010

A meeting takes place between Hiqa and Prof Conlon to discuss progress.

Hiqa is informed that the backlog stands at about 57,000, far greater than previous indicated. It includes orthopaedic, cardiac and chest X-rays.

The hospital undertakes to clear the backlog by March 2010.

MARCH 4TH, 2010

Hiqa writes to the hospital for the second time in two months seeking a written progress report by tomorrow (March 12th).

MARCH 9TH, 2010

News breaks of the issue. Tallaght says the backlog of unreported X-rays has been reduced to 23,000 and will be cleared by May. Minister for Health Mary Harney says she only realised the scale of the problem on this date.

MARCH 10th, 2010

Lyndon MacCann says he only became aware of the O’Dowd letters on this date.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.