Trump says Brexit deal ‘sounds great for EU’ but not for UK

US president says UK ‘may not be able to trade with us... and, I don’t think they want that’

US president Donald Trump talks to reporters as he departs the White House for travel to Mississippi. Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

US president Donald Trump said on Monday that the agreement allowing the United Kingdom to leave the European Union may make trade between Washington and London more difficult.

Mr Trump said that he wanted the British prime minister Theresas May to “do something” about the agreement to ensure the UK can trade with the US more freely.

Referring to the Brexit agreement, Mr Trump told reporters: "Sounds like a great deal for the EU.

“I think we have to take a look at, seriously, whether or not the UK is allowed to trade. Because, you know, right now, if you look at the deal, they may not be able to trade with us. And that wouldn’t be a good thing.


“I don’t think they meant that. I don’t think that the prime minister meant that. And, hopefully, she’ll be able to do something about that. But, right now, as the deal stands she may not, they may not, be able to trade with the US. And, I don’t think they want that at all.

“That would be a very big negative for the deal.”

A spokesman for Mrs May rejected Mr Trump’s interpretation of the deal, saying: “The political declaration we have agreed with the EU is very clear we will have an independent trade policy so that the UK can sign trade deals with countries around the world - including with the US.

“We have already been laying the groundwork for an ambitious agreement with the US through our joint working groups, which have met five times so far.

“The US Trade Representative also issued a call for views from the public on a future UK-US free trade agreement earlier this month.” – Reuters/PA